Saturday, February 6, 2010

Asian Teacher Torrent How Do I Resell Textbooks I Ordered Online When They Are Each Illegal To Sell? (Teacher's And Asian Editions)

How do I resell textbooks I ordered online when they are each illegal to sell? (Teacher's and Asian Editions) - asian teacher torrent

I bought a book on eBay that says that it is illegal to sell, and the teacher's edition to be proved, although I do not see the answer there. The second book I bought at an online bookstore, and when I came to the Asian edition, she said it was illegal in the U.S. I want is to import and sell these books after the session to complete! What should I do?


rehabob said...

Selling on eBay. I have an auction for a used copy of the international edition of a book, which grew to 71 U.S. dollars. That is about half the cost of a new edition of the United States - but $ 40 U.S. dollars more than I paid for an international issue.

PS It is not illegal to sell international spending in the United States, but it would be a breach of a contract with the Library of the publisher. So who cares?

wife of Ali Pasha said...

TRY E-Bay. SALE OF the strange things, not people.

getit said...

Mexico Ensanada

konala said...

he bought online for sale online.

George K said...

There are books to sell them.

druid said...

\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt,> Since I know no book that is legal to sell in the U.S., sell them wherever you want. It appears that your eBay listings are a scam.

Mr. Why said...

I had a similar problem. My cousin knows this guy and he has good stuff. All I had to do was correct it is a small problem for him. Of course, murder is illegal, but I need money, so I will ...

- This is the core of his argument is correct? "It's illegal, but I would like some money, so I'll do anyway."

Ay Caramba!

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